2019年12月11日 星期三

20180715-DIY Tire/Wheel Lifter

One of the hazards for a DIY car mechanic like me is hurting the lower back or shoulders by lifting wheels/tires.
Unfortunately I have to deal with that quite often when I work with brakes/rotate tires/ change snow tires for multiple cars...
Thus, I hope to find a cheap tire lifter but Commercial Tire/Wheel Lifter usually cost $1500+ which is way above my budget. So, I decide to build one myself. 

Revision: actually a Hydraulic Table Cart + a pair of rubber wheel chock may be an easier but even better (versatile) alternative solution. See illustrations in the bottom.  

Mover's Dolly+Scissor Lift Jiffy Jack is my basic concept.

Actually this bike Scissor Floor Jack Lift hoists Center Stand is almost perfect except it is a little bit high for me. Because most time i use a floor jack on the drive way, the minimum height should be as low as possible.

I decide to go for the lower profile version of  bike Center Scissor Lift Jack Hoist Stand $80

plus roller bracket $25 x 2

Piece them together with some 2" hex bolts and nuts, then Ta ta... Here it is




Spin the tire easily


essily move to position ( the minimum height)IMG_20180715_204821

Rise to catch the tire securely and so nice to my back!

alternative replacement: Hydraulic Table Cart+ 2 wheel chocks


If you put a pair of wheel chocks on the table, you will have the similar functions of the wheel lifter. Unfortunately, a higher clearance from the flat ground is required. That is the catch! 

This combination may cost around $200 (500LB capacity)-$300(1000 LB capacity) but the Hydraulic Table Cart alone will help you to achieve more.